Mental Health First Aid Training for Troops

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In recognition of Suicide Awareness Month, the USO of North Carolina and NCServes Central Carolina conducted a Mental Health Suicide Training session at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Individuals working in high- risk career fields had the opportunity to participate, learn, and practice real life scenarios surrounding mental health episodes and suicidal situations.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic suicide and suicide ideations rates have increased among civilians and military personnel. Chaplains and mental health providers report an increase in military members feeling isolated and struggling to cope with the current pandemic environment. Our USO of NC Staff and NC Serves Central Carolina staff are trained to teach Mental Health First Aid training to troops and those supporting servicemembers here in North Carolina.

Mental Health First Aid provides evidence-based practices and a solid action plan for each of us to use when interacting with a person in mental health distress or crisis. CPR and First Aid training for physical health are readily available for individuals; this program provides a similar framework for mental health. The module we teach is specifically focused on military and veteran members of our Communities. Last Quarter the USO of North Carolina and NCServes Central Carolina certified over 60 individuals as “Mental Health First Aiders”.

Rates for suicide mortality remain high among both active duty, guard, reserve, and veterans. The USO remains committed to supporting our service members as the military works hard to reduce the suicide rate. Suicide is a serious concern in the military and civilian community. NCServes Central Carolina - offers a variety of networks & resources available for service members and families if needed.

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